I help people who are struggling in their relationship with another person.

Are you worn down by someone else?
Do you feel like you're in a constant state of conflict with another person? Maybe your partner...a friend...boss, or even adult child?
Are you hurt, frustrated, confused, sad, angry or hopeless...to the point where it makes every part of your life seem harder?
I can help.
Even though the problem is relational, my approach is individual. I believe it's most important for you to start by sorting through your own feelings, experiences, wants, needs and perceived obstacles. And we'll do that work together.
Research shows that the biggest source of happiness (or frustration) in our lives is the connection we have to the people around us. Taking the time to focus on this part of your life is crucial to feeling good.
Relationships can get complicated. It's not uncommon for families to struggle, but sadly, it’s often done by suffering in silence instead of turning for help. I’m not here to judge; I’m here to delve into the most difficult parts alongside you. My approach is from a place of curiosity. My goal is to help you move from chaos to clarity, once and for all.
My Approach
I believe in experiential processes. This means I won’t lecture to you or force my opinions onto you. Instead, you’ll learn by doing – having conversations, imaging scenarios, reflecting, and pausing to notice things that may have slipped by you before. The goal is to look at your own life through your lived experiences, but using a different lens.
In the world of counseling, we say that nothing changes until something changes. While this may sound obvious at first, many of us hope for things to be different while doing things as we’ve always done them. Through experiential sessions, you’ll break through and transform by taking a new approach. This can include:
Becoming aware of your own needs and improving your connection to yourself
Identifying patterns that have appeared and reappeared throughout your life
Considering your relationships and boundaries from a new perspective
Reprograming yourself in a way that allows you to disconnect from your default thoughts and reactions.
Updating stories in your life that may be outdated
Who I've worked with/for over the years...